Friday, January 13, 2012

Vivekananda recollection: the veritable embodiment of God - such simplicity, such sincere guileless love I have seen nowhere else.

Like Gopis of Vraja, who would protest to Krishna not to play the sweet music on his flute, for it attracted them to Him and His Raas Lila with such great intensity that they used to forget their homes and husbands, these workers would also protest: "O my Swamiji, do not come to us when we are working, for while talking to you our work stops and the supervising swami rebukes us afterwards." With such intensity of love, Swami Vivekananda would attract these poor laborers.

One day Swamiji had a desire to feed these workers. Accordingly, he made arrangements for their lunch. At his orders, bread, curry, sweets, and curds etc. were arranged for the Santhals. Sitting before the Swami, all of them relished the sumptuous food. One Keshta said: "O Swami, whence have you got such a thing! We never tasted anything like this." Feeding them to their heart's content, Swami Vivekananda said, "You are Narayana, God manifest; today I have offered food to Narayana."

Turning to the disciple, the Swami said: "I found them the veritable embodiment of God - such simplicity, such sincere guileless love I have seen nowhere else." And later addressing the sannyasins of the Math, Swami Vivekananda had said: "Can you mitigate their misery a little! Otherwise, of what good is the wearing of the Gerrua (ochre) robe? Sacrifice of everything for the good of others is real sannyasa..." "Seeing the poor people of our country starving for food, a desire comes to my mind to overthrow all ceremonial worship and learning, and go around from place to place to serve these poor and afflicted..."

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