Wednesday, May 1, 2013

save more, spend less

Imbibed the "save more, spend less" ethos from my family which taught me that very single rupee matters.

[ Ramchandra Agarwal, Founder Chairman and MD, Vishal Megamart ]

It will be will stumble and get hurt, but if you are determined enough, you will learn to support yourself.

We believe it's time for you to find your own feet and be self-sufficient. It will be will stumble and get hurt, but if you are determined enough, you will learn to support yourself.

[ Alok Kejriwal, Founder and CEO,Contest2Win about Renuka Ramnath, the CEO of  ICICI Venture when it withdrew hand-holding support.]

Always make sure your employees are your partners - CEO,Edelweiss

Always make sure your employees are your partners. This advice has always with us since then. It was an important   piece of insight.

.....He continued...: There are two things which he said and which have stayed with me since that meeting. One was when he said , " Make sure you are profitable, otherwise you will share other people's dreams and not your own.The other one was his suggestion that we should put the guiding principles and values of our company in writing, so that every employee can go through them and be inspired to follow them.

Rashesh Shah, Founder Chairman and CEO, Edelweiss ( about a gem of advice received from Narayan Murthi, Infosys ex-chairman)

[extract from the book THE BEST ADVICE I EVER GOT ]