Friday, January 13, 2012

Vivekananda Life:facing family poverty

When How You Lead A Life Becomes Quotable:

Swami Vivekananda Searching Job
There is a small memoir in the life of Vivekananda. When Vivekananda’s father died, there was so much poverty in his home that often there was not enough food for both mother and son. So, Vivekananda would tell his mother, ”Today I am invited to a friend’s house, I will go there.” In fact there was no invitation, no nothing, he would just roam around on the roads and later return home. Otherwise the food was so little that his mother would feed him and would remain hungry herself.

So, he would return home with an empty stomach but happy and laughing saying loudly, ”It was a wonderful meal! Such delicious food dishes were cooked!” He would enter the house talking of those food stuffs that were nowhere cooked for him, that he had not eaten anywhere.

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